Posted by: Brendan | May 6, 2008

Persephone- on the road

Our unofficial foray into the road world:

Brian, of The Path bike shop in Tustin, is the proud owner of this ride, named Persephone. He took her out for a spin this morning & shared a couple shots. The highlights of this bike are comfy, mtb’er-friendly positioning, responsive, but stable geometry, and a killer translucent powdercoat job that compliments the EC90 carbon rear end. The only thing she’s lacking* is a Sterling head badge…

* (fruit juice kickstand not included)


  1. You install the rear triangle post-powdercoating, right? That carpet fiber stuff is a strange, unknown material in my shop.
    The frame looks lovely.

  2. Looks great! Lovin the powdercoat and the fruit juice kickstand!

  3. Jruss- yes, the rear gets bonded in after p/c. I’m happy with how she turned out.

  4. It needs a sibling, preferably one that wants to live in a suitcase and eschew multiple gears.

  5. Matt…. hmmm, still got some thinkering to do on that one.


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